That was 11 years ago.
Though the shirt it still perfectly GOOD, I have always disliked it intensely. Still I needed something warm when I’m done exercising, in the garden, or walking and it’s not quite light jacket weather.
It’s going into the donation bin today! After all it really is still perfectly good. Not even any stains.
I made myself two pretty new sweatshirts out of Joanne’s fleece. The flowered one came out of a yard and a half long panel. I enjoyed piecing out the sleeves and a small place in the back that doesn’t show under the elastic.
The lime green one has beads from Beads For Life (http://www.beadforlife.org/indexb.html). It’s an organization to sell beads for women in Uganda. They make the beads from recycled paper and some kind of varnish. I tested a bead by attaching it to a cork for several days and letting it float in cold water. No fading, no pulling apart. I cold water wash and hang to dry stuff like this so it should be OK. I will turn the beaded side to the inside before it goes into the machine.
Ohh..11 years old sweatshirt still looks the same.. Great! I will also get a couple of sweatshirts for my daughter. Thanks for sharing.